People that have lived in a Condo get this. Good interior design can be a deal breaker and the defining line between wanting to get a house or enjoying the advantages that come with living in a shared habitat. New problems arise in opposition to the benefits of living amongst the clouds, such as lack of storage, the feeling of living caged, poor lighting, the inability to change or expand the outdoors, amongst others. Now, there are some rare cases in high end buildings where stunning views and ample floor plans are forgiving of these disadvantages, but even then, a good interior design is always needed.
We have designed several condominiums and by doing these we’ve come to the realization that even if all of them are preplanned spaces, they become the most personalized and custom designed spaces. There’s no cutting corners on these projects.
As a curious metaphor, it is the kind of project where only the personality counts, and for those who have decided to have a romantic relationship based on sense of humor, intellect or good conversations, the details are what count, and the envelope of the person becomes a secondary attribute. Standards are higher.
Details are everything. How do you feel when walking into the space? How proportionate are the spaces with each other? Is there a small kitchen where a bigger one is needed? Is the lighting even and harmonious throughout the space? Are the views uninterrupted? Is the furniture correctly positioned? There’s dozens of questions to be asked before drawing the first lines, and one by one we need to solve them to make sure that the details are correct and the client’s personality gets reflected and achieved.
Now let’s talk about the Condo Personality (and before you think we’re trying to start an argument here please note that this is purely a comedy-like observation). Clients who live in a Condo are generally highly efficient people with a busy lifestyle who want to conquer the world by avoiding unnecessary gardening or DIY home renovations. And yes, all of them become part time diplomats amongst neighbors, but we love them because they will analyze everything with a magnifying glass and they tend to value great design.
Uniqueness comes handy.
(Click to expand).
Before I show you some pictures of completed projects I’d like to remind you of a viewpoint. Big does not mean that it feels ample, expensive does not mean good taste, and living in a condo does not mean that you need to be like everyone else. There are key points that make a huge difference and that if you are lucky to live up there can improve your space:
Layout - usually some walls can be changed, the flow needs to make sense.
Built in furniture and cabinets - we can’t stress this enough. These need to meet efficiency and aesthetics.
Lighting - buildings are rarely oriented correctly and windows are seldomly enough to bring good light, so artificial lights need to feel natural.
Finishes - a lot can be achieved by selecting and placing these correctly, from making the space feel bigger to balancing the flows and focal points.
Furniture dimensions and positioning - furniture can become an obstacle or part of the experience.
Now it is time to get inspired! We hope you like it.