Pinterest can be an amazing tool for design inspiration.
For the last decade it has become the standard-go-to solution for exploring design ideas about how our space should look, BUT, as you may’ve experienced it can also become an overwhelming and almost obsessive activity, where too many options are available and there’s too little that we feel like we can do about them in terms of reality and our own space.
Pinterest has definitely put some pressure on Interior Designers, raising the design standards and client’s expectations. It is also a platform where people envision, collect and show their likes and dreams about their space, but as any other tool, it has a moment, place and correct use.
Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your Pinterest journey:
1. Don’t try to fit the image to your project. Instead make a collection of ideas and see the common denominators between them to spot what you actually like about them and what could be applied to your space.
2. Make it fun and don’t take it too seriously. Saving or not saving an image won’t affect the outcome of your design.
3. Be aware that most of the images are staged and edited to meet a certain level of aesthetics.
4. Use your boards as inspiration, and not as design instructions. Good design has a thought process and science behind it, and it should always take resources and facts into consideration, including budget and location.
5. Use it at the right time. Starting your project by exploring final results can be too overwhelming, so be aware that there are decisions to be made and actual work to be done.
Applying these concepts while browsing through the platform can be very beneficial, especially while working with Interior Designers, Architects and family members.